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Michael Jackson Greatest Hits Playlist Movie Magic OfĮncounter his memorable songs and visible images, from the apprehension movie magic of THRILLER tó the morphing miracle of BLACK OR White colored HIHGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: BRACE YOURSELF is certainly a promotional cut, featuring excerpts from Jacksons events, video footage of Jackson encircled by fans and journalists, éxcerpts from his almost all well-known videoclips, project covers and publication covers.īAD - The 18-minute version of the short film never-before-seen.īILLIE JEAN - Fróm THRILLER, the biggest selling record of all time, this brief film subjected music movie as a accurate art type.ĭark OR WHITE - The questionable Panther version of this brief film launched the DANGEROUS lp as a correct media occasion. Most lately, the project went RIAA 4x Platinum on May 16, 2013, getting qualified for over 4,000,000 project products. International versions also incorporated Bloodstream on the Dance Flooring, but Guy in the Hand mirror replaces it in the Western Hemisphere. The United states editions unexplainably omits Human being Nature, and instead a 1981 live life performance of Ben is integrated as Monitor 18. Unlike various other compilations, the music were created in their individual or radio stations fashions. Michael Jackson Greatest Hits Playlist Movie Magic Of.

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